Come with Me
/On this Providence Sunday, and always, God invites us to trust God’s love and care, to trust it so deeply that we can surrender to it. How can we do this? Because God is with us.
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
On this Providence Sunday, and always, God invites us to trust God’s love and care, to trust it so deeply that we can surrender to it. How can we do this? Because God is with us.
Read MoreSpiritual adulting can be hard, but it’s how we grow and learn and change. God loves us as we are but rarely leaves us alone to stay the same. God is always calling us to that edge where we have to risk and leap and trust.
Read MoreWhat if instead of wondering if someone is worthy, we focus on being humble, knowing that we’re not perfect either? What if we live with patience, trusting that we’re all just doing the best we can? What if we were to bear with each other in love instead of judgement? And what if we didn’t even judge our own worthiness? Because why should we? God doesn’t.
Read MoreLove is mutual, and the way we experience God’s love is often through human love. In our giving and receiving love, God’s love becomes real to us too.
Read MoreWe know that Christ remains in us because of the Spirit, and we know the Spirit is with us in the ways it makes itself known. May we trust its presence and look for the Spirit’s work in our lives. May we invite it in, and may we always remain open.
Read MoreI can’t predict the future, but if I respond wholeheartedly to life’s events, both good and challenging, I’ll continue to grow into the person God created me to be. What I shall be has not yet been revealed. I do know that when it is revealed I shall be like Christ.
Read MoreFinding peace in a troubled world is a serious challenge. However, Christ does not want us to be troubled. Christ offers us peace and shows us what we need to receive that peace – God’s loving Providence and each other.
Read MoreCommunity is one of the best parts of our lives but also one of the hardest parts. Why is that? And if relationships are so hard, why do we keep persevering in them?
Read MoreThis week we welcome a special guest to reflect on the Easter story with us. She’ll help us to enter into the story and experience how it resonates with our own lives. May we all experience the presence of Christ this Easter!
Read MorePalm Sunday shows us the extremes of human experiences as Jesus is celebrated but then betrayed, condemned, and executed. We see how fast things can change – in this Passion story and in our own lives too. However, through all of life’s joys and sorrows, we can trust that God is with us. And when the intensity of it all feels like too much to hold, God holds us.
Read MoreHaving a troubled heart is a human experience. It comes from looking darkness in the face and moving into it despite how hard it is. Jesus might not have known how things would work out, but he knew that he could trust the unknown future to a loving God. And so can we.
Read MoreBrokenness is real, but it is redeemable. As community, we can bring our woundedness together, owning our incompleteness, and drawing near each other. God is present when we come together in our brokenness, God who has chosen to be vulnerable too.
Read MoreGod is present to the reality of who we are, even as God calls us to grow. God is certainly in our midst.
Read MoreMay we journey up to the mountaintop with Jesus and his companions and encounter God too. As Jesus revealed the fullness of who he is, may we reveal the fullness of who we are before God and those closest to us. And may we each hear God proclaim that we are God’s beloved too, because we are.
Read MoreGod is very close with us always, and in those hard times, God is still there, even when it doesn’t feel like it. God is always talking to us, always trying to catch our attention, to reassure us, to let us know that God’s with us, that God loves us.
Read MoreThe more that I, and we, live and grow into the fullness of being to which God calls us, the more we belong to God and ourselves. When we belong like that, we’ll find belonging wherever we go.
Read MoreIn these days of burnout, fatigue, and loneliness, how do we resist the temptation to try to be all things to all people? How do we trust that we’re enough because God made us to be enough?
Read MoreIn this story, the people are astonished. I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember the last time I was astonished by something Jesus said or did – in Scripture or in my life. But I want to feel amazed again! How do I open myself to astonishment, awe, wonder?
Read MoreThe Kingdom of God is at hand now, in this moment. All around us there are people with illnesses and struggles, people who are burdened by despair and anxiety. We have work to do; there’s still good news to be proclaimed.
Read MoreIn your heart of hearts, what do you desire? What do you want? Figure out what you desire in the depths of your heart, and you know God’s call.
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.