God's Dwelling Is with the Human Race
/God doesn’t just choose to be with us from afar, but intimately with each of us at every moment, with every breath, with every blink of the eye. With every joy and sadness, God is there.
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
God doesn’t just choose to be with us from afar, but intimately with each of us at every moment, with every breath, with every blink of the eye. With every joy and sadness, God is there.
Read MoreJesus says, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them and they follow me.” Have you ever heard Christ speak to you – maybe to console you, to get your attention, to call you to something? How do you know that it’s Christ’s voice speaking to you?
Read MoreUnderstanding mission as a project feels helpful, at least to me. Being assigned a project is far less daunting than being sent on a mission. Mission inspires me, but it also overwhelms me. A project is doable, one step at a time.
Read MorePalm Sunday and Holy Week may offer us an opportunity to be with our own suffering and joy, hurt and healing, betrayal and forgiveness, loneliness and connection. As we move through these sacred days, we may see how, as we enter into the Passion of Jesus, Christ has entered into our own passion too, this life we’re living, day by day and year by year.
Read MoreAs we bear the crosses in our own lives, we may have to dig down deep to find hope, but resurrection is on its way. God makes all things new.
Read MoreFor God, no one is insignificant and everyone is worth finding. No one is beyond reach; no one is irredeemable. The so-called sinners that Jesus hangs out with, well, they’re not so bad either. Maybe they’re just a little lost.
Read MoreBrokenness is real, but it is redeemable. As community, we can bring our woundedness together, owning our incompleteness, and drawing near each other. God is present when we come together in our brokenness, God who has chosen to be vulnerable too.
Read MoreWe stay open to what comes, enjoying the heights, living into the depths, and being present to where God is moment by moment, even when the ground is just . . . level.
Read MoreThe call I hear is to try and recognize what leads me: is it the Spirit of God or something else? If it’s the Spirit, then I am on the way toward God and toward good. If what is leading me is not of God, then I can always change directions.
Read MoreWe each have the ability to produce good fruit, to act out of the goodness – the God-ness – inside of us. But we also have it in us to act out of what’s not of God. My decision to do good, to move in the direction of the Spirit, (or not) reflects on who I am as a person.
Read MoreWe are lavishly loved and blessed. What we put out into the world may have a cause and effect dynamic, or it may not. However, the more good we do, the more we become people who do good, and the more we become magnanimous, like God is.
Read MoreGod calls us to keep moving toward trust in God and relationship with God. Sometimes we do that when we notice our blessings, and sometimes we even grow stronger roots during the hard times. Maybe growth in hard times is a blessing too.
Read MoreOur mission as Christians is not about success and numbers. It’s about following Christ. That’s not usually easy. On the other hand, discipleship promises unexpected abundance, a life of community and communion with God, and witnessing God’s slow but sure reconciling of all things.
Read MoreJeremiah and Jesus are pretty clear about God's will for them, but it can be harder for us to figure that out. How do we discern God's call for us, and what do we do when other people in our lives feel the need to weigh in?
Read MoreGod has cared for us by designing our bodies in such a way that our most vulnerable body parts are protected; could we care for the Body of Christ in the same way?
Read MoreThis Sunday's reading from First Corinthians tells us that "there are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit," and that sounds very nice. However, how does this actually manifest in communities and families? Do we really affirm the gifts in each each other? Do we appreciate our own gifts? Let's reflect on all this a little more deeply . . .
Read MoreEach time the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord comes around, we hear this invitation to see ourselves mirrored in Christ, in all of Christ’s belovedness. Each time we have an opportunity to trust a little more deeply, not in ourselves, but in God’s profound and grace-filled love for us.
Read MoreLike the Magi, we have each other as travel companions. Community at its best stands together beneath the night sky, gazing at signs from God, and following where they lead. Together let’s discern the way we should go.
Read MoreNone of our families is perfect, and each of them is holy. Our broken and imperfect families, our grieving families, our struggling families are holy in our striving, not in our perfection. It’s God who makes us holy.
Read MoreProphets don’t predict the future. They speak a word of hope. God keeps making promises, and when those are fulfilled, God makes more promises. Blessed are we who believe.
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.