Triduum Reflections
/The Triduum, the three days leading up to Easter (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday), are some of the most beautiful liturgies we have through the church year. Here are some reflections on these holy days.
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
The Triduum, the three days leading up to Easter (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday), are some of the most beautiful liturgies we have through the church year. Here are some reflections on these holy days.
Read MoreThe Passion of Christ is the ultimate human story that gets played out again and again in our lives; it’s a mirror for the human story that we are living through and that others have lived through for all time. And it played out very clearly this year.
Read MoreThe invitation of Holy Week is to pray through the suffering of the living Christ, the Christ who loves, suffers, and rises in us individually and communally.
Read MoreLet’s hold out hope for the day when the stone will be rolled away for us too, and we can safely come together unmasked in the sunshine.
Read MoreGod is present to the reality of who we are, even as God calls us to grow. God is certainly in our midst.
Read MoreGod is a God of rainbows, not destruction. If you need a sign to reassure you, go ahead and ask. Our God who loves us always wants to assure us. Even now.
Read MoreThe more that I, and we, live and grow into the fullness of being to which God calls us, the more we belong to God and ourselves. When we belong like that, we’ll find belonging wherever we go.
Read MoreWhen it turns out that I have withdrawn too much, I need God’s help to make a deposit. I need God to restore me when I’m depleted and to help me set boundaries when I feel pressured to be too much to too many.
Read MoreIn this story, the people are astonished. I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember the last time I was astonished by something Jesus said or did – in Scripture or in my life. But I want to feel amazed again! How do I open myself to astonishment?
Read MoreThe Kingdom of God is at hand now. All around us there are people in need. Do you feel like running away like Jonah or running toward mission like Jesus?
Read MoreIf I’m struggling to make a decision, it’s usually because I’m distracted by scenarios of possible outcomes, other people’s expectations, worries and doubts. However, if I can stop ask myself that question – really, what am I looking for? – I can get back to the heart of the matter.
Read MoreThe story of Jesus’s baptism is a story about us too; the voice of God is meant for us too. God wants us to know that we’re beloved.
Read MoreWe don’t have a big, obvious sign in the sky inviting us forward, but if we look carefully, we can notice subtle signs of God leading us. As we move away from despair and anxiety and toward compassion, connection, and love, we are following God.
Read MoreThey are the holy family, not because their life was idyllic but because, despite their difficulties, they kept going, loving God and each other. One could even say their life was “unprecedented.” Except that it wasn’t. As Christmas goes, it was the first, but families have been living with uncertainty, disappointment, and loss since the dawn of time. Our broken and imperfect families are holy in our striving, not in our perfection. It’s God who makes us holy.
Read MoreMay we pray for what Mary had, her audacity or foolishness or courage, that made her say yes to God. May we, too, stay open to what God asks of us and risk when we’re called to.
Read MoreWhat better time to bring about a revolution of joy than the season of Advent? Now is the time to push back against the darkness, resist despair, and proclaim hope. There’s no way to vaccinate ourselves against a pandemic of joylessness; we have to work hard to overcome it. In Gospel language, that means we must bring glad tidings to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and announce a year of favor from God.
Read MoreWhen it comes down to it, aren’t we all just children seeking comfort in the darkness? In this season, I feel soothed by the image of Christ’s mother preparing a way for him to enter the world in love and care and safety. I too open to the tender care of God, and then I can respond to God’s call for change and growth.
Read Morewe open ourselves to deep gratitude, praising God in joy and thanksgiving, and then we notice our deepest longings and act on them. Our desire for more fuels us on to bring about the kingdom of God.
Read MoreI can be kind of a troublemaker, possibly even a goat, but if I lose my way or climb a tree, Christ will still come after me. My call is show up for others too.
Read MoreBeing children of the light means shining a light on the work to be done – and doing it. We stay awake by staying woke, and staying woke is an ongoing process of growth and hard learnings and perseverance.
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.