Just a Little Is Enough
/I am little, but God is big, so it’s enough to have just a tiny grain of faith. I offer what I can, and God grows it.
Read MoreEach week we offer a spiritual reflection that relates Scripture and faith to our everyday lives.
I am little, but God is big, so it’s enough to have just a tiny grain of faith. I offer what I can, and God grows it.
Read MoreOlder people need the young to dispel complacency with their raw passion and energy, and the young need the tempered passion, wisdom, and support of older people. God calls each of us to act for the sake of the kingdom of God, and when our action moves us together, well, it’s a glimmer of what the kingdom of God looks like.
Read MoreWhen I know I can trust someone with little things, I can trust them with the big ones, too.
Read MoreHuman beings are complicated in this. We sometimes need discernment and healthy boundaries and self-protection when relationships break down. However, God, who is infinite mystery, is not complicated in this. God wants us to return no matter what. God loves us whether we’re bratty or whiny, lost, searching, wayward, or unfaithful. When we are lost and return to God, God rejoices.
Read MoreEven if I’m afraid before I ride a roller coaster (and probably during too), I’m always excited that I did it when it’s over. It was worth it. That’s true of discipleship too. As I choose a life in Christ day by day, moment by moment, I enjoy the ride. Wild though it may be, it’s worth it.
Read MoreTrue humility is not self-effacement, nor is it self-promotion. Neither of these are of God. Humility is knowing who we really are – limited and gifted, imperfect and good, broken and beloved – and living out of that.
Read MoreIronically, entering through the narrow gate may mean loving other people in expansive, generous ways. Maybe we enter through the narrow gate when we open wide the tents of our hearts.
Read MoreSo, let’s be daring. Let’s catch the spark of Jesus’ yearning to break open counterfeit peace in order to do the disruptive work of genuine peacemaking. Some division is necessary as we figure out how to bring about the Peace of God. We will likely be uncomfortable, and that’s okay. Jesus was probably uncomfortable most of the time.
Read MoreThat’s what my faith in things unseen hopes for now: that the God who made a childless old man the father of a nation can help us to turn the U.S. into a peaceful and just nation, a safe place for everyone.
Read MoreWhere some find scarcity, Jesus, in the context of community, offers abundance. Everyone has enough and more than enough to eat. Not only that, but the community experiences this unitive, meaningful miracle together. People not only have their physical needs met, but they have their need for belonging met as well.
Read MoreHindsight is like a sore muscle. It shows me how affliction has helped me to grow and how it has brought me closer to God. It’s not the easy times that have formed me; it’s growing through suffering that has made me into the person I am. And if God worked through hard times before, God will certainly do so again.
Read MoreWe are the Church of the Spirit, the Church that calls ourselves to spiritual adulting, where discipleship means discerning the movement of the Spirit and responding to it.
Read MoreMaybe the point of this feast is mission. Jesus sends his followers to be witnesses – in their own backyards and throughout the whole world – and he promises to send them the Spirit. His parting is not really a goodbye but rather an invitation to something new.
Read MoreMy default may be anxiety, but the deeper I go in the spiritual life, the more I see how God is at work in me, changing my default settings. God helps me to work against fear and despair to come to the peace of Christ.
Read MoreGod doesn’t just choose to be with us from afar, but intimately with each of us at every moment, with every breath, with every blink of the eye. With every joy and sadness, God is there.
Read MoreMight I be able to hear the voice of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, if I became as trusting of the shepherd as the sheep I was observing?
Read MoreUnderstanding mission as a project feels helpful, at least to me. Being assigned a project is far less daunting than being sent on a mission. Mission inspires me, but it also overwhelms me. A project is doable, one step at a time.
Read MoreThrough the progression of those holy days, a cosmic shift has happened, and nothing will ever be the same again. The scars of crucifixion linger on his glorified body. . . . Resurrection doesn’t cancel out crucifixion; they are both integral parts of the story.
Read MoreAnd with God, all things are possible—even resurrection from the dead, even the transformation of the entire universe, and even Jesus still alive and with us, today!
Read MoreIf we open ourselves, we may suffer with Jesus. We may hurt as his experiences resonate with our own, but by uniting with him in suffering, we may also heal our pain. This week will be intense, but even so, I hope we enter in. God is in it all as we live into this holiest of weeks and the Paschal Mystery itself.
Read MoreGod Space is a spiritual community, a space of welcome and belonging. We’re not a church, but some of us go to church, and some are more spiritual than religious. However we identify, we come together to explore faith and build connection through small groups, social events, prayer, and community service. Come and connect at God Space. You belong here.