God Space

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Good Fruit, Bad Fruit

A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. . . . A good person out of the store of goodness in one’s heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks. (LK 6:39-45)

Okay. I have some questions about this.

I would like to say that I can tell a good person from a bad person by what they do in the world, by the “fruit” they produce. I feel like there are a lot of people these days who are producing some pretty bad fruit — oppression, greed, hate, war. Are they bad people? Admittedly, I tend to judge them as such. However, I also know people who are good who sometimes do rotten things. In fact, I hope that I am a good person, but I have done rude or hurtful things plenty of times. I don’t try to do evil; it’s just that sometimes my selfishness or pride or insecurity get the better of me. Sometimes a bad mood comes and just takes me, and I act out of that instead of out of love. When that happens, I don’t grow good fruit in the world but instead dump out a bucket full of rottenness.

Likewise, I’ve been fooled by people who seemed to harvest good fruit, but really, it was bad to the core. I tend to be a little naïve, and I’ve misplaced my trust in people who have taken advantage of me. Their fruit looked good. Maybe they were good people deep down, but their actions turned out to be rotten.

Which brings me to this question: are people really all good or all bad? Aren’t most of us a mix of both, just trying to do the best we can?

As I was reflecting on all this, I remembered a quote from the movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. There’s a scene in which Harry is afraid that, because of his connection to the evil Lord Voldemort, he himself is becoming evil. He expresses his fear to his trusted Godfather and mentor, Sirius Black, who reassures him with these words:

You're not a bad person. You are a very good person who bad things have happened to. Do you understand? Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

Maybe that’s what Jesus is saying after all. We each have the ability to produce good fruit, to act out of our goodness – the God-ness – inside us. But we also have it in us to act out of what’s not of God. My decision to do good, to move in the direction of the Spirit (or not) reflects who I am as a person. And who I am as a person is reflected in my actions and words.

Reflecting on this could be a helpful tool to help us to learn about ourselves and where our lives are going. I certainly don’t want to judge another person for having a splinter in their eye if I have a giant plank in mine, and the only way to know what’s in my eye is to enter into honest self-reflection. I can do this on my own, or, like Harry Potter, I can bring my concerns to a trusted mentor. I can also enter into honest, vulnerable sharing in community. These ways of reflecting help me to take an honest look at what’s happening within my heart. The First Reading from Sirach says as much: “The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had; so too does one’s speech disclose the bent of one’s mind.” Random mistakes and foibles that come out of my mouth likely do disclose the “bent” of my mind, but hopefully so does honest, thoughtful reflection with others. In fact, that’s what I notice most of the time in our God Space small groups. Each person shares what’s going on in our lives, and by speaking it aloud, we name what’s in our minds and hearts. When we share like that, we see that each of us has struggles, but we’re doing the best we can to grow closer to God. There’s something very heartening in that. That’s how community helps us to grow good fruit.

If I take time to reflect on what I’m putting out into the world, I may gain a clear picture of the direction in which I’m moving. If what I’m bringing forth is mostly loving, and if what I’m feeling is peace and joy and general contentment, then I’m moving toward God. If what I’m putting out there is hurting others and myself, and if what I’m feeling is anxiety, irritation, impatience, or despair, then I’m moving away from God. Our lives are likely a movement back and forth between producing good and bad fruit, but each time we correct course and move toward God, we grow more and more into whole good trees that produce mostly good fruit.

Not a bad thing to reflect on right before Lent, is it?

For Reflection:

  • Is the “fruit” you are producing in the world these days mostly good or rotten? How do you know?

  • Are you mostly acting out of your light or your darkness?

  • What helps you to produce good fruit? What makes you cast rotten fruit out into the world?

  • Where is God for you in all of this?

By Sister Leslie Keener, CDP

Sister Leslie Keener, CDP is the director of God Space, a community-building spirituality ministry in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. She’s a Sister of Divine Providence with a Masters in Ministry and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Retreats from Creighton University. She directs retreats, meets with people for spiritual direction, and serves as the vocation director for her community. She enjoys music, meaningful conversations, dancing, and fruit, good fruit.